Passage To Purpose

9 week self-discovery programme to get you on the path to your soul purpose.Ā 

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Is this you?Ā 

Have you ever wondered what you're meant to do with your life? Feel that you have a soul purpose, but not clear on what it is? Wish someone would show you how to find it? If yes, this course was made for you.

Inside The  Program:

Week 1: Awareness


Where are you now |
How this works

Week 2: Passion


What brings you joy |
What lights you up

Week 3: Attributes


Uncover what you need to Thrive |
Zone of Genius

Week 4: Purpose


What you care about |
Causes on your heart

Week 6: Core Values

Core Values

Find the leverage that
will drive you forward

Week 5: Desires


Discover your energy drivers |
The lifestyle you want

Week 7: Decision Filter

Decision Filter

Create your personal decision filter | Potential ideas to explore

Week 8: Take Action


Make a bold move | Confidence & Mindset hacks

Week 9: Mindset & Alignment


How to stay on the right path | Intuition | Guidance

Week 1: Awareness

Week 1: Awareness

Where are you now
How this works

Week 2: Passion

Week 2: Passion

What brings you joy
What lights you up

Week 3: Attributes

Week 3: Attributes

Uncover what you need to Thrive
Zone of Genius

Week 4: Purpose

Week 4: Purpose

What you care about
Causes on your heart

Week 5: Desires

Week 5: Desires

Discover your energy drivers
The lifestyle you want

Week 6: Core Values

Week 6: Core Values

Find the leverage that will drive you forward

Week 7: Decision Filter

Week 7: Decision Filter

Create your personal decision making filter
Use it

Week 8: Take Action

Week 8: Take Action

Make a bold move
Pick an idea to explore

Week 9: Mindset & Alignment

Week 9: Mindset & Alignment

How to stay on the right path
Confidence hacks



Pre-Recorded Videos + 1:1 withĀ Kia


TakeĀ theĀ programĀ at your own pace and on completionĀ receive a 60min 1:1 private coaching session with Kia.

Enrol Now

Hi, I'm Kia!Ā 

Columnist forĀ Psychologies Magazine.

I'm an IntuitiveĀ Artist, Spiritual Teacher, Personal Empowerment Mentor andĀ Host ofĀ Happy Hacks Podcast, which hit the iTunes #3 spot in the UK Health & Wellness charts.

Kia Cannons

Frequently Asked Questions:



I highly recommend this course. I feel confident that I’m going to make a change for the better and keen and eager about moving forward with my life now.


This course has has shown me ways to put my previous thoughts together and take action!


After taking this course I feel lighter, not weighed down by the ‘not knowing’ or the feeling of being stuck. Less frustrated with my life. I feel happier, clearer, less frustrated, full of options and alive!

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Maker's Movement